
Please follow the links below:

Nova Home School Agreement 23/24

Nova Accessibility Policy Plan – Draft

Nova Anti-Bullying Policy

Nova Attendance Policy

Nova Behaviour Policy

How to Raise a Concern or Make a Complaint

Nova Primary is committed to listening to you and working with you to resolve any concerns or complaints you may have about the school.

In the first instance, please talk to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns who will be able to make sure they understand your concern in order to help resolve it informally as soon as possible to avoid the need for you to make a formal complaint.

However, if the matter has not been resolved you may raise it formally.  To do this your complaint should be put in writing. If you would like help to do this, please let a member of the leadership team signpost you to someone who can support you to write a summary of your concerns.

Nova Primary will then review and/or investigate your complaint which will include talking to you about it in further detail to find out what you would like to happen in order to resolve it.

You will receive a letter detailing the decision and what you should do if you are still not happy with it.  If you need help reading the letter or any communication from the school, once again, please let us signpost you to someone who can support you.

To read the full Complaints Policy, please click on the link below or request a printed copy from the school office.

Nova Complaints Policy

Nova Charging & Remissions Policy

Nova Data Protection Policy

Nova Equalities Policy

Nova E-Safety Policy

Nova Exclusion Policy

Nova EYFS Policy

Nova H&S Policy

Nova Home Learning Policy

Nova Information Security Procedure

Nova Intimate Care Policy

Nova Mobile Phone Policy For Adults

Nova PE Policy

Nova Personal Development Policy

Nova Photography Policy

Nova Positive Handling Policy

Nova Pupil Mobile Phone Policy

Nova Pupil Privacy Notice

Nova Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Nova Safeguarding Policy

Nova School Meals & Other Debt Policy

Nova Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy Autumn

Nova Teaching & Learning Policy

School Attendance – Information for Parents & Carers

Nova Subject Access Request Policy & Procedure

Nova Uniform, Jewellery & Valuables Policy

Nova Whistleblowing Policy & Procedure