How do we teach Languages at Nova?
A MFL language is introduced at Year 3 following the Language Angels programme. The children follow a curriculum which allows them to learn through ‘being linguists’. Children are encouraged to develop their oracy skills with a partner and in front of the class, through role play and games so that they gain confidence speaking another language in front of others. Children are encouraged to learn rhymes and to join in with songs.
Children are also taught discretely about French phonetics and pronunciation to ensure they can decode new French words and improve their oracy skills.
Teachers identify core vocabulary and children encounter and use this multiple times in different contexts. Online games and quizzes are also used to allow children to hear French being spoken by a native speaker.
Grammar is prioritised and children have the opportunity to rehearse sentences using their topic vocabulary and key verbs such as ‘to be, to have, to go’. Grammar is taught frequently in key chunks to help children remember.

Cath Foote is our Lead Linguist who you can speak to if you would like to find out more about how we teach Languages at Nova.

Our priorities:
•Embed adaptive teaching principles to improve outcomes linked to subject specific knowledge and skills.
• Teachers utilise assessments productively to identify gaps in learning and plan to address these.
•Children’s passion for languages is ignited through further meaningful and experiential opportunities.
•To develop children’s vocabulary and oracy skills.