How do we teach Science at Nova?
Science at Nova is linked to Lines of Enquiry where possible so children understand the context of their scientific learning, however many science lessons are also taught discretely.
In EY, teachers plan opportunities for children to learn and understand the world around them through guided teaching and high quality continuous provision. We teach the national curriculum programs of study in Y1-Y6 and have created a Nova ‘working scientifically’ progression document to teach specific scientific enquiry skills. These are grouped into the following experiment types: observing over time; fair testing; using secondary sources of information; grouping and classifying and pattern seeking.
When planning, teachers will assess children’s prior learning through and plan a careful sequence of learning opportunities for children to embed and apply key scientific knowledge, vocabulary and enquiry skills. Teachers use elicitation lessons at the start of science units to assess children’s initial understanding. At the end of each programme of study, children complete a knowledge quiz for teachers to assess children’s knowledge against key objectives. These scores are recorded for each programme of study to achievement and progress over time can be tracked.
Children’s individual scientific learning is evidenced in children’s Line of Enquiry books and experiential opportunities such as photos of science investigations are also evidenced. High expectations of presentation are expected to be seen in all books, with opportunities for children to embed their writing and maths skills.
You can read our science intent here:
Below you will find out national curriculum coverage documents as well as our working scientifically progression document:
What does Science learning look like at Nova?

Jon Deeney and Jo Brocklebank are our Lead Scientists who you can speak to to find out more about how we teach Science at Nova.

To embed assessments and ensure they are used effectively to identify gaps in learning.
To ensure Nova’s science curriculum fosters children’s retention of key scientific knowledge and ability to work scientifically.
Children have the opportunity to apply their scientific knowledge and vocabulary in high quality cross-curricular writing.
Teachers to receive support and guidance in teaching and assessing ‘scientific enquiry’.
Nova has the resources needed for teachers to effectively deliver the science curriculum.