What do school governors do?
- Work with the head teacher to determine the overall direction of the school.
- Oversee the budget.
- Help recruit staff.
- Monitor the performance of the school, e.g. in examinations and key stage tests.
- Advise on school policies and procedures.
What does being a school governor involve?
Being a governor can be an enjoyable and stimulating way to spend a small amount of time each month. The experience of working as part of a team involved in running the school can prove helpful in everyday life. Free training available for governors gives them the opportunity to develop new skills to use in their job or other community work. It can also be very rewarding when other people listen to, and respect their opinions on the issues facing the school.
As a governor you taking on the following commitments to help make sure the school is well managed;
- Share the responsibilities of the governing body as summarised above.
- Attend and participate in governors meetings on a regular basis – governors generally meet six times a year with additional committee meetings.
- Spend some time on training and getting to know the school.
- As required, sit on appointments panels or panels that handle staff or pupil discipline issues, recruitment or complaints against the school.
Please follow this link for a letter from the Chair of Governors following our recent Ofsted inspection:
Letter From Chair of Governors 4th October 2022
Our Governors at Nova Primary
Please follow this link for a letter of introduction from our new Chair of Governors, William Harding:
Letter of Introduction William Harding October ’23
William Harding – Local Authority Governor (Chair)
Until my retirement, I was responsible for the strategic and operational HR and Organisational Development of a large Unitary Authority. A political science graduate with a graduate diploma in management, I held a number of different roles in people management in the public sector during a career spanning over 40 years. With a strong belief in and commitment to state-funded education, I have a remarkable 30 years’ service as a governor in both primary and secondary schools. I have been a Trustee in a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) and I currently serve as a member of the Strategic School Forum in a neighbouring Local Authority. I have two adult children both of whom attended local primary and secondary schools. I believe that the future of a child is totally dependent upon the foundations set in a primary education environment where each individual receives what they need to be on an equal footing with others in the same environment. Primary school can then positively boost a child’s confidence and offer the skills they need to achieve success in their lives.
Ian Thomas – Co-opted Governor
I have lived in north Bristol for 30 years. I recently retired after a career of 39 years working in social care. I worked in a range of practice, workforce development and management positions and for the last fourteen years in a national role, setting standards for, and assuring the quality of professional social work education across Wales.
Anna Morris – Headteacher
Most of you know me as Anna Morris, the (very proud and happy) Headteacher of Nova but a big part of my role is to be on Nova’s governing body. I work with the other governors to ensure that the children get the best possible education. Governors support and challenge the school and provide a different perspective which is really important. I love the fact that people from all walks of life care enough to give up their time to be part of our school community and to help me lead the school to the best of my abilities.
Mark Andres – Co-opted Governor
I am a senior manager with over 13 years in the performance marketing industry with experience working in fast past innovative start-up and global corporate environments. Born and bred in Bristol, I am passionate about the city and married with two children.
Jo Ferns – Co-opted Governor
I am the School Business Manager at Nova and have been a Governor for the time I’ve been at Nova which is nearly 13 years. My main role both as a School Business Manager and as a Governor is to manage the school’s finances ensuring the financially sustainability of the school both now and in the future to ensure all children who attend Nova are provided with the best education. I also oversee health & safety, administration support, IT, HR, premises and anything else that sits outside of teaching and learning!
Kelly Clarke – Staff Governor
Susan Browne – Co-opted Governor
Originally from Birmingham I have lived and worked in Bristol for 35 years and have 3 grown up children. I recently retired after being a Reception teacher and Early Years leader for more than twenty years. I am passionate about Early Years education and giving all children the best opportunities and start in life. I have a wide range of experience and am looking forward to continuing my involvement in education through being a governor and supporting Nova Primary School.
Hayley Smith – Parent Governor
Katie Shadbolt – Parent Governor
- Vacancy – Co-opted
- Vacancy – Co-opted
- Vacancy – Co-opted
All of our Governors can be contacted via the School Office or emailed directly at
Annual Governance Statement
To read our annual governance statement please click on the link below:
Annual Governance Statement October 2022
Meeting Calendar
Our meeting calendar can be accessed via the link below:
Governors Meeting Calendar 21_22
Governor Detail and Register of Interests
Click here to view: Governor Detail and Register of Interests as at 31st August 2023
Click here to view: Governor Detail and Register of Interests January 2025
Governor Attendance
Click here to View: Governor Attendance 22_23
Click here to view: Governor Attendance 23_24
Click here to view: Governor Attendance 24_25
Applications to Attend Full Governing Body Meetings
In line with Part 4 of the School Governance Regulations, 2013, Nova governors permit parents and other interested members of the public to attend its Full Governing Body meetings on application.
Applications to attend on any meeting date should be made to the clerk to the Board in advance of the meeting date. Dates can be found in the governors’ meeting calendar. The application should be made on the form you can download here:
The guidance below constitutes the code of conduct required by the governing body in return for granting access to their meetings.
- Governing Body meetings are published on the school website (see below).
- Members of the public can make a request, in writing, to attend the “open” part of any meeting.
- Requests to attend must be sent no less than 14 days before the date of the meeting. This allows time for Governors to finalise and agree the agenda for the meeting with Governors, and for the agenda to be published seven days in advance of the meeting.
- If a request is accepted, an invitation to attend the meeting will be issued by the Clerk to the Board, together with an agenda. These will be sent by e-mail seven days before the meeting.
- Anyone attending will be shown in the meeting minutes as being “in attendance”.
- Persons attending meetings are there at the invitation of the governing body and must agree to:
- be present as observers only;
- not speak or in any other way interrupt the meeting;
- at the request of the chair, leave the meeting if any part of it is deemed, by the governing body, to be confidential;
- not record any part of the meeting electronically or in writing.
- Failure to abide by these expectations may result in an individual being asked to withdraw from the meeting and potentially be refused an invitation to future meetings.
- Minutes of all meetings are published on the school website, when they have been agreed by the full governing body, which is done at the next meeting of the full governing body. These will be published here below.
Published Minutes
Published minutes can be accessed via the links below: