PSHEE Education at Nova Primary reflects the needs of all children who attend. It is the culmination of a range effective of initiatives and programmes of learning that we currently use in school. It reflects our vision that high quality PSHE underpins all aspects of education.
At Nova, we follow the SCARF programme to deliver our PSHEE curriculum, which has been carefully selected to ensure that it covers all RSE statutory requirements and because it meets the varying needs of our children. The spiral curriculum design allows children to develop their skills and learning year on year with each new topic building on the last. Children engage in discussions, debates and hands on activities which promotes positive behaviour, safety, achievement and well-being and supports pupil development in terms of our school values of Trust, Friendship, Discovery, Success.
The termly topics include;
- Me and My Relationships
- Valuing Difference
- Keeping Myself Safe
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Being My Best
- Growing and Changing
You can find more information about SCARF here: In addition to our SCARF scheme, teachers deliver bespoke PSHE lessons based on the needs of their class and current issues.
This document shows how our scheme of work meets DfE requirements as well as additional elements:
In the Early Years, PSHEE is explored through adult led and child initiated play, based on the EYFS Framework 2021 and the children’s interests. Our long term plan includes topics such as ‘All About Me, Terrific Tales, Amazing Animals, Come Outside, Ticket to Ride and Fantastic Food’. These themes enable our children to investigate and experience things in the world around them and learn the skills of perseverance and trust if they encounter difficulties. This will in turn supports their self-esteem and their belief in achieving their goals.
All classes in Years 1 – 6 receive one 45 minute, discrete PSHEE lesson, each week following the SCARF curriculum. Though the expectation is that the programmes of study be adhered to, we allow for the distinct needs of individuals and classes, giving teachers the flexibility to choose exactly how they teach PSHEE (circle-times, group work, drama, outdoor learning etc.) We encourage the sessions to be as practical as possible so that the children have a variety of opportunities to build their confidence, new relationships and self-regulation skills.
The expectation is that the children will record their learning experience in their PSHEE journals which will stay with them throughout their school journey. This evidence will be recorded every other week however the children will be engaging in practical experiences on subsequent weeks.
Our school assemblies and whole school events are often linked to the PSHEE curriculum and are followed up with related, in class, tasks which enable children to have a broad range of experiences throughout their school life.
We encourage children to demonstrate and apply the British Values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty to their daily lives. We enable them to have a healthy outlook towards school and an increased awareness of mental well-being. As a result, children will be able to achieve success across the wider curriculum.
Rhiannon Everson is our PSHE/RSE Leader, who you can speak to to find out more about how we teach our PSHE Curriculum at Nova.

Our priorities this year:
- To embed adaptive teaching principle throughout the PSHEE lessons.
- Continue to work on making links with parents and outside agencies.
- To embed the PSHEE curriculum further across all key-stages.
- Embed the include program into key stage 1 and start planning for Key Stage 2.