An Introduction to EYFS at Nova Primary School
At Nova we recognise that all children are unique individuals with their own personalities, interests, abilities and needs. We ensure that each individual is able to learn, make progress, feel included and enjoy their time in Reception.
We believe that positive relationships between school and parents/carers, and between school and the child are critical in supporting learning and development. We hope that you will share your ideas and thoughts with us, and help us to make your child’s first experiences of school to be as positive and productive as possible.
The physical environment plays a crucial role in supporting and extending children’s development and our school has invested great resources creating bespoke areas to provide the best possible blend of experiences. We have a room for learning through child initiated play, an adult led group room, and a recently refurbished outside learning garden. Children can free flow between these areas throughout the day with adults in each area to support and challenge children during their play.
Using these areas, and the resources they contain, we plan for children across 7 areas of learning:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Maths
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
We also plan to develop three characteristics of effective learning:
- Playing and Exploring (finding out and exploring, playing with what they know, being willing to ‘have a go’).
- Active Learning (being involved and concentrating, keeping trying and enjoying achieving what they set out to do).
- Creative & Critical Thinking (having their own ideas, making links and choosing ways to do things).
We aim to ensure that your child will have the best possible start to their time at Nova, and finish the year with skills, knowledge, attitudes and aptitudes to stand them in good stead. Please let us know if there is anything you think we can do to ensure this happens as best it possibly can.
Here is an overview of our EYFS curriculum planning: EYFS Curriculum Planning 23_24

Useful Website for EYFS.

- BBC Tiny Happy People:
Tiny Happy People can help you develop your child’s language and communication skills, so they get the best start in life. Ideas and activities are easy to build into your daily routine. They’re quick and inspiring, but they’re also based on expert advice and evidence, and are proven to help your child’s development.

2) Family Corner:
Family Connects are one-off online events providing an opportunity to connect with other parents and carers via Zoom and learn about topics relevant to families and children aged 0-5. Plus you will share ideas in how to support children’s early education and each other. The Connect sessions are free thanks to funding from the Department of Education. The blogs can also be translated into different language.

3) Little wandle:
The resources on this page will help you support your child with saying their sounds and writing their letters. There are also some useful videos so you can see how they are taught at school and feel confident about supporting their reading at home. Find our full Reception and Year 1 teaching programme overview here to see what your child will learn and when.

4) Storyline online:
The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s two-time Emmy®-nominated and award-winning children’s literacy website, Storyline Online®, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Readers include Oprah Winfrey, Chris Pine, Rosario Dawson, Viola Davis, Terry Crews, Connie Britton, John Lithgow, Jennifer Garner, Betty White and dozens more.
Reading aloud to children has been shown to improve reading, writing and communication skills, logical thinking and concentration, and general academic aptitude, as well as inspire a lifelong love of reading. Teachers use Storyline Online in their classrooms, and doctors and nurses play Storyline Online in children’s hospitals.

5) PBS Kids for Parents:
This website is aimed at children ages 2 to 8 where they learn lessons that last a lifetime. Through media and community-based programs, PBS KIDS wants children to see themselves uniquely reflected and celebrated in lovable, diverse characters who serve as positive role models. PBS KIDS also want kids to explore their feelings and discover new adventures along the way.

6) ICT Games:
Here you’ll find free to play educational games aimed at children between 5 and 8 years old; written by a UK teacher with 20 years experience. The games are linked to the UK KS1 and 2 curriculum.

7) Teach your monster:
We’re Teach Your Monster, a non-profit that creates magical, fun-filled learning games for kids. Adventure is learning. Our games are… Designed with leading academic experts, Trusted by teachers and parents, Mindful, enjoyable screen time.

8) CBeebies Little Learners app: Download for free now!
Put the fun into learning by downloading the CBeebies Little Learners app! This CBeebies app has been made with BBC Bitesize and developed in collaboration with educational experts. As well as making learning fun for children, it has been designed to help parents, carers, and educators easily find a learning activity to support children before they start school.
All games and videos in the CBeebies Little Learners app are based on the Early Years curriculum. There are no adverts and no in-app purchases and downloaded games can be played offline and on-the-go wherever you are!

9) Borrow box:
With BorrowBox, your library in one app, our vision is now a reality. Borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks free from your library using our BorrowBox app. Say hello to your future library, wherever you are, whenever you are free.